Thursday, October 1, 2009

Just a few observations

I'm at work a couple days ago and one of our Hispanic employees is reading a newspaper called Vida en El Valle (Life in the valley). It's a newspaper for Latinos by Latinos, I'm told. She puts the paper down and I glance over at it and notice it's mostly in English. So I pick it up and with the exception of a few stories regarding, immigration and La Raza the whole thing is in English. The odd part everyone I've ever seen read this paper claims not to speak English. HUH?

Last month our President made a speech on Wall st. On the anniversary of  collapse of Lehman Brothers. He made references to the things that caused the economic collapse of  our country. Then he states "now we need to close the loopholes that allowed this to happen". OK, I don't have an MBA, I'm no rocket scientist but am I wrong in thinking that this is something that should have been done before we gave them a trillion dollars?

Bill Clinton is working on a biography, I think that's awesome, now we can all know what the definition of "is" and "sex" is. Since we couldn't establish it during his impeachment hearings.

Now there's a huge investigation and outcry against "Distracted Driving". Oh no, that's right the government is going to spend time, money and resources to determine how dangerous driving while distracted can be. There is a push by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to have national laws against, texting, computing, reading and putting on make up while driving. My question how do you ticket a soccer mom with a mini van full of screaming kids? Make her leave all her little angels at home or have individual cells for each kid in the vehicle.

Also in the headlines "Auto Sales tumble after 'clunkers' rush". No, really? You mean that since the government isn't handing out fists full of dollars for beaters that you couldn't get more than scrap prices for people aren't lining up to go in debt? Really? That makes absolutely no sense.

And lastly this just made me shake my head. Our esteemed speaker of the house Nancy Pelosi states that anyone demonstrating against and disagreeing with President Obama is racist. This is the same woman that said that disagreeing and demonstrating against George W. Bush was patriotic. So telling a white President he's a moron is patriotic, but telling a President of mixed race he's a moron is racist. Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't believe that stupidity is race specific. So her comment by it's very nature would indicate that she believes stupidity and race are linked making her, that's right a RACIST!!

Now go have a nice day :)

1 comment:

  1. Racism: hatred or intolerance of another race or other races(credit to

    That lady is an idiot. It is not racist to disagree with others peoples opinions and or ideas. I do agree that she herself is some form of a racist. Gosh people irritate me!

    And Clintons writting a book?! OMG! Like we all don't know what happened already!
