Thursday, October 15, 2009

Excuse me ma'am but there is a dead mouse on your shoulder

To say that I know virtually nothing about couture is understatement, to say that I care even less would be a gross understatement. Yet every now and again I see something in the world of fashion that makes me take pause. Then the Dr. Phil voice goes off in the back off my head and I want to ask "What in the Hell are you thinking?"

Until now had someone said the word Pashmina to me I would have thought they were talking about some character from Aladdin. But no, a Pashmina seems to be a shawl like scarf. I came across 2 ladies wearing Cashmere Pashimas. One in a beautiful chocolate hue and the other in a delightful mauve. On both of their Pashminas were 3 rows of fur tufts dyed to match the Pashmina. These tuft were approximately a 1 1/2 inches in diameter. They looked as though someone had taken a field mouse dyed it and sewed it to the Pashmina. On the end of the scarf was another fur ball that looked like its tail was used to attach it to the scarf. I'm told these are actually rabbit fur and these Pashminas sell for  $400-700. Along the same line only less money is the rabbit fur ball scarf. These are rabbit fur balls about 1 1/2 inches in diameter that are dyed any color and and attached to each other by yarn. Giving them the appearance of a colony of mice tied together by their tails. There goes the Dr. Phil voice again.

I've also run across a hair accessory that made me glad I didn't have my dog with me. What is with this fad of taking half a Quail or a Pheasant wing attaching to a clip or hair band and sticking it on your head? So here sits this woman with half a dead bird stuck on the side of her head and having a fit over the plant behind her that is being moved by the air conditioner. Which she finds very distracting. But the dead bird on her head is not?  

Finally, we come to the poser supreme. I only wish I had my camera with me on this one. I'm at the local Wal-mart (I know that's all I need to say but...). I'm walking down an isle and I see a biker coming towards me. He's in the full outlaw biker attire. Engineer boots, jeans, a t-shirt, black leather vest with patches etc. As I get closer I see a patch on the left that is white with black letters and trim that says "S.A.M.C.R.O." Now I have the confused poodle head tilt going. Above that patch is one that says "REDWOOD ORIGINAL" and as he passes, I see the patch logo from the Sons of Anarchy TV show across the back of his vest. Now this is one of my favorite shows and it's filmed through out Central and Northern California. So, I assume he's and extra or affiliated with the show. Oops, my bad. No, this guy really thinks he's riding with SAMCRO. So he's either delusional or so badass that the only gang that will take him is an imaginary one from the FX network. Either way I gave him a wide berth, but my money is more on the delusional side.

Now go have a nice day :)

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