Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Things that make me laugh

First, I can't believe I haven't blogged in 2 years!! Holy cow, if you've read any of my previous blogs you know I look at things a little differently. Some are amused, some are annoyed, but, I blog for my entertainment. Like most of the things I do, it's for my amusement if you are entertained great!! If not, oh well.

Smart phones make me laugh. Android, iPhone, Windows or whatever. They are often smarter than their owners and the apps they have. I never knew that I needed some of these apps. Like the air horn/fart app. Okay, farts are funny, sorry but, they are. So, who knew you needed a flatulent phone? My favorite thing about smart phones has got to be texting. Yep, auto correct texting. Until now I had no idea that my oldest daughter's name would auto correct to kabob. 

The government makes me laugh, where else could you get so many people arguing about how to spend money they don't have. I mean really the Democrats want to spend money that doesn't exist and the Republicans argue to spend less of the money that doesn't exist. Maybe I'm stupid but, if I don't have money, trying to spend it is a mute point. Like the old song says, "nothing from nothing leaves nothing"

Reality/Game shows, you know the ones. Survivor, Amazing race, Big Brother. Every season we get the usual cast of characters.The good guy, handsome, young, honest, down to Earth, with just enough bad luck to make you feel sorry for him. The bad guy, ruthless and will do anything to win. We hate him with the first syllable he speaks. The hot chick, sometimes she's the good girl, sometimes she's the bad girl. Guys like her most of the women hate her. The gay guy you gotta have one or the show isn't complete and the more outlandish the better. The ethnic guy, anything but Caucasian. Why so we all have some to root for or say "see, that's where the stereotype comes from".

Speaking of reality Game shows there's Dancing With The Stars. We all tune in every season to see who the fat star is gonna be and how bad are they going to look. Like rubbernecking at an accident. Likewise the old star, athlete and person who couldn't dance to save their life. My favorite is still Master P, proving for all time that not all black men have rhythm.

Lastly, Barrack Obama recently announced that he's going to begin campaigning for re-election. REALLY?
I didn't realize he stopped campaigning from the last election.

And then there is this. If you think your life is rough, check out these whiny asses http://whitewhine.com/

Now, go have a nice day!

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